Saturday, December 8, 2012

What exactly is process of placment? - Forums

You guys have been awesome in helping my husband and I understand the realities of foster to adopt. So much so, that I almost bailed out last night. He does not want to get an older child (8-11) and I am scared to death of the trials of fostering and bio families and courts and such that it will take to get someone under the age of 7 or 8 without special needs.

So these are my new questions:

What is the maximum number of placements anyone has had before finding the one they wanted and got to keep? I know it is hard to say, but I am trying to set appropriate expectations for myself. Is it possible that we would have to foster 10 times? Or does it usually take less than that?

How much time do you get to make a decision on whether or not you are going to take a placement? My hubby is a little gun shy about this process but it made him feel better thinking that we could read up on the child and think on it a bit before bringing them into our home with bio kids. Yesterday I read a post that made it seem like it is the fastest one to say "yes" to a call that gets the placement. For us, that means having to bring someone in that we don't know that much about. That is the part that had me ready to bail last night.

I have started reading a bit on artificial twinning. It was our thought to not adopt someone that was in the same grade as our girls. But we already have a narrow window of ages that we are willing to accept, and then to have to take out the two grade levels of our girls makes it even less. It does not leave the SW much to work with to even give us a chance. What have been people's experiences with having kids come in that are the same grade as bio kids (mine will be in 3rd grade and kindergarten next fall when license process would be complete).

Thanks again!


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