Friday, March 8, 2013

"It's not enough to talk about social justice and equality. When one is privileged, taking responsibility for equality means sharing some of what you have with those who have less. But in today's Israel, none of this is happening. In Israel, everyone is fi

"It's not enough to talk about social justice and equality. When one is privileged, taking responsibility for equality means sharing some of what you have with those who have less. But in today's Israel, none of this is happening. In Israel, everyone is fighting over who's more deprived, who suffers more, who's the most wretched and who's the bigger victim. And as this competition over victimhood intensifies, so too does the incitement against competing victims. ... Israel as (a) state also does not take responsibility for its strong and privileged position vis-a-vis our neighbors-cum-enemies, the Palestinians. As the strong and rich state, the one that exists. Instead of grasping this advantage and offering real peace, based on trust and cooperation, Israel hunkers down in a defensive-aggressive posture. Instead of extending a hand to our neighbors -- who have lived for so long in extremely difficult conditions -- due to their own fault and ours -- and helping them build a future that will benefit all of us, Israel the strong continues to fight the Palestinians for the title of victim."


Watch this speech to the Knesset by Israeli activist Merav Michaeli (in Hebrew, translated to English), via Andrew Sullivan.


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